How Many Credit Spreads Trades Should You Be In At One Time
Are you juggling trades and wondering how many is the correct number? It’s a common question when trading credit spreads! In this article, you’ll uncover the golden strategy for nailing the perfect trade count and maximizing your success. Buckle up as we dive into the world of intelligent trading decisions.
Sizing Allocation Per Credit Spreads Trade
First things first, let’s talk about sizing allocation. Picture this: every trade involves a calculated risk, and you’ve got to set the stage right. Start by never exceeding 5–10% of your account in a single trade. A $10,000 account? That’s a $500 max risk, warrior. Your risk dictates your position size — it’s your shield against market unpredictability.
Core Correlated Assets
Now, let’s talk about correlation. Some stocks are like twins, mirroring each other’s moves. Take the S&P 500 Index (SPY) and NASDAQ 100 Index (QQQ) — they practically finish each other’s sentences. Since they’re prone to dancing in sync, it’s smart to keep the number of trades low in this category — think four to six. When one stumbles, you don’t want them all tripping!
Uncorrelated Assets and Diversification
But hey, we’ve got the uncorrelated assets in the room. Empower your trading as they’re like two different dancers grooving to their own beat. SPY and Treasury Bonds (TLT)? They’re not sharing a playlist. Here, you can consider spreading your bets across eight or more trades. Think of it as building a robust fortress against market turbulence.
Adaptation and Comfort Levels
Flexibility is your ally. Empower your trading by allowing your strategy to swing with the market mood swings. Once you’re cozy with correlated assets, why double down on the same tune? Explore uncorrelated trades to balance your equation. It’s not about stretching your comfort zone; it’s about making it wider.
Adjusting Credit Spread Trade Quantity
Breathe in adaptability. It’s a dynamic market out there. When you’ve got a solid handle on one set of correlated assets, don’t be shy — diversify. Think of it as evolving your playbook. Your goal? An ensemble of trades that harmonize, not compete.
To Conclude
No cookie-cutter answers here, just tailored solutions. Finding your sweet spot isn’t a guessing game; it’s a calculated art. Don’t let trade numbers dictate your moves; let strategy lead the way.
Remember: Smart trading means calculated risks, strategic allocation, and keeping a close eye on the market’s pulse. Now that you’ve got the blueprint, step into the trading arena with confidence. Your journey to mastering trade count starts now.
If you want to trade credit spreads profitable with a 90%+ win rate and consistently generate monthly income, then join the 10% Credit Spreads program!
Thanks for reading 🙂
Austin Bouley
CEO & Chief Strategy Officer